Corruption in Poland falls — reason for satisfaction


Almost 75% of the countries of the world is perceived as very corrupt - according to Transparency International's annual report, published on Tuesday in Berlin. Smallest corruption is in the Nordic countries, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Holland, Australia and Switzerland. Relating to Central Europe, amongst new member states of European Union Poland comes out quite well. Degree of belief about corruption is lower in Estonia and Slovenia. Of 178 countries in the world Poland took 41st place and is at the forefront of countries that change for the better. A year earlier, Poland was ranked 49th, and for several years now it's situation is improving from year to year.

Central Europe (new European Union member states) & eastern neighbors of Poland:

Best countries in the World:

"The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks countries according to perception of corruption in the public sector. The CPI is an aggregate indicator that combines different sources of information about corruption, making it possible to compare countries. The 2010 CPI draws on different assessments and business opinion surveys carried out by independent and reputable institutions." Transparency International