Today is Polish Independence Day
Today it is November 11th – Polish Independence Day. This is a public and national holiday in Poland, celebrated annually, and by the way – a day off from work. Poles "commemorate the anniversary of the revival of the Polish nation independent statehood" (This 'definition' comes from the preamble to the Act from 1989). This year it's 92nd anniversary. On November 11, 1918, after 123 years of partitions by Austria, Prussia and Russia Poland has regained its independence.
Today the Independence Day is also celebrated in Angola. In Belgium there's the Liberation Day, Day of the Republic in Maldives, and the Veterans Day in United States.

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Bialo-czerwona iluminacja Palacu Prezydenckiego.
At. 11 (Polish time) ceremony will begin on pl. Pilsudski with President Bronislaw Komorowski. About 13.30 the parade starts, which will meet President of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz and Minister of Defence Bogdan Klich, in Jerusalem Avenue. In the meantime, 22nd Independence Run starts. Runners, people with disabilities and skaters, all dressed in white and red, take part. Furthermore, Warsaw, as well as other Polish cities, prepared a series of additional events. Museums provide free entry and prepare occasional exhibitions, there are music concerts, historical shows, and other smaller events for children and adults.