Poland National Day on Shanghai EXPO 2010
Here comes a very important information for all of you, who in contrast with me has an opportunity to take part in Expo 2010 organized in Shanghai, China. Today, on 22 May is a Polish day in Shanghai - Poland National Day on EXPO 2010. Below, I present a little bit of details about what will happen during a Polish day. This is an information you could not find on any of official EXPO pages.

I strongly encourage you to visit Poland Pavilion which looks very nice, isn't it? As we read in Poland EXPO 2010 papers the Poland Pavilion has an abstract and irregular exterior covered with flowery cut-outs designed to reflect Polish folk art (paper cut-outs).

Few interesting attractions on Poland National Day
A concert of the Polish music played on traditional Chinese instruments will be of main attractions. Chinese Traditional Music Orchestra of Hangzhou Normal University School of Music will present Polish folk songs and the music of Polish composers: Frederic Chopin, Mieczyslaw Karlowicz, Jan Paderewski and Stanislaw Moniuszko. This presentation will be a homage for thousands of years of the Chinese music traditions.
Let's dance Chopin is an event organized by the National Frederic Chopin Institute. It is a unconventional presentation, combination of the contemporary dance and the music of Frederic Chopin. The show is based on the modern choreography and connects the classical music and jazz.
Parade of Polish dragons by Theatre Groteska. Parade of dragons filled up with helium, floating in the air, made and animated by artists from Teatr Lalki, Krakow, Poland. The event refers to the Wawel Dragon - the symbol of Krakow. In the parade very big dragons will be used; all of them inspired with Polish legends and fairy tales, as well as iconography taken both from architecture and armorials of Polish families and towns.
An official press invitation:
We kindly invite you to a press conference about Poland National Day (May 22nd) events on Shanghai EXPO with the participation of Commissioner General of the Polish Section of EXPO 2010 Mr. Slawomir Majman and Director of the Fryderyk Chopin's Institute in Warsaw Mr. Andrzej Sulek, as well as artists from Poland.
WHEN : May 21st 02:00 PM
WHERE: EXPO Press Center / Room A
Please confirm your attendance with press spokesperson of Poland Pavilion Ms. Anna RUDAWSKA. (chinese / english)
polandexpo@gmail.com, mob: 15900566491
November 2010: Poland Pavilion on EXPO 2010 Shanghai awarded silver medal.